Nowadays, internet has become everyone’s need. People now demand mobility
connection as they also have high mobility. The only provider that support high
mobility and availibility is mobile seluler provider. In the end of the day,
mobile broadband communication will continously grow to increase the speed as
people demand.
Indonesia’s now running 3G as it latest technology. And now Indonesia is
preparing for 4G implementation. But, this country faces several obstacle as
explained below.
Frequency Used Scenarios
Frequency is a base need for wireless communication. Frequency defines a
way where data transmission goes. It is not only used for mobile communication
system but also used by television, radar, and other wireless communication.
Hence, frequency should be ordered in order to accommodate all wireless
communication need.
As reported on, Resources and Post Directorate General
of Information and Communication Ministry of Technology, Muhammad Budi Setiawan
at that time, explained that there will be four scenarios regarding to
frequency allocation used for LTE
700 MHz
Unfortunately, this range is currently used for UHF analog
television system. The only one possibility to use this frequency is by waiting
analog to digital television migration. Currently, analog television system in
Indonesia has placed this range of frequency, and there is plan from government
to create digital television system in Indonesia which requires less range of
frequency. Hence, migrating analog to digital will make frequency of 700MHz
available to use. This migration is predicted to be completely done in the year
of 2018.
1800 MHz
This frequency is used by GSM operator for 2G technology. LTE
can use this frequency but GSM operators have to split their operations into
two, for 2G and LTE. It will directly affect to GSM services, since their range
will be shortened the services will also be worse than before. It will be big
consideration since 2G/GSM users in Indonesia still in huge numbers.
2100 MHz
This is 3G frequency. LTE can be placed on that range of
frequency, since there is still some space available on that range. But the
problem is that space is not enough containing optimum LTE blocks needed. Every
operator has 10MHz blocks to support 3G services, infact operator need 20MHz
block for LTE.
2300 MHz
This frequency is available for Wimax technology. Infact, 4G
technology that uses Wimax has been assigned on that frequency. But
unfortunately Wimax is not well known yet not broadly used among Indonesian.
Less people knows and use Wimax services. However, the rule has been decided
that this frequency is already for Wimax and there is provider that has already
have licensed under this frequency. Also, 4G technology that uses Wimax is not
largely installed by operator since wimax and 4G have different base
technology. Hence, it makes operators found difficulties to make it true.
As a sollution, Budi added, is to wait analog to digital TV migration so
that 4G will use the frequency, but it will take many years to wait. As an
alternative, frequency 1800 and 2300 MHz are potential to use after reallocation
and reordering those frequencies done by government and operators
4G Without Application is Meaningless
President Director of Telkomsel, Alex J. Sinaga said that it is important
to build an environment to support 4G technology. 4G itself is developed to
adapt people demand of high speed and high capacity amount of data. So, that 4G
will be meaningfull if it can be optimized if there is high amount of internet
usage demand among people. One of the way to optimize it is building many
applications to boost internet usage.
Building application for mobile is not only about social media or
personal chatting kind of app. It can also many applications include tools to
help industrial issues. Machine to machine (M2M) application for example, it
can be used as tools to gelp human in controlling and monitoring machine
whereever whenever they are. In the era of internet of things (IoT), where all
things are based on IP and all things connected to internet, 4G will be very
optimized and usefull since there area a lot of traffic and internet usage at
even in small scale of things.
As conclusion, Indonesia is not ready yet for migrating 3G to 4G. In
terms of frequency, Indonesia has to rule frequency used for 2G communication,
analog television, 3G communication, and other wireless communication.
Furthermore, Indonesia has a lot of telecommunication operators which means
there will be a lot of frequency allocation per operators. Thus, Government has
to be able to rule frequency allocation wisely so that every wireless
communication system has their own place and can be used well.
In terms of application, Indonesia has to encourage its people to create
application or content-based industry to boost internet usage. Hence, traffic
and internet usage can be increased and finally 4G technology can be optimized
Erin Sadewa
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