
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Installing BlankOn Onto Virtual Machine


Blank On is an operating system which also one of Linux distro. Installing Blank On basically the same with other OS installation. To install this OS the machine should meet minimum requirement, such more than 4 GB of disk space, and the memory recommendation is 1 GB. Installing this OS only needs few steps and easy way


Here are the aims of installing BlankOn inside virtual machine:
1. To enable Linux operating system such as Blank On inside virtual PC 
2. To enable further facility of Virtual machine using OS


Here is the video tutorial on how to install Blank On onto virtual machine using VMWare Workstation

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Windows 8.1 Features

Windows 8.1 is an operating system which contains a lot of features. Those features are designed to ease the users access information. Some of features need to be configured in order to run them successfully. Most of features need user’s Microsoft account as the primary account to configure the settings. Windows 8 is completed with Start Screen which helps user a lot. Some features are attached on Start Screen, and user can costumize size of features tiles on it. On the other hand, user can still see the desktop we’re used to. 

1.       Start Screen

Start Screen adalah tampilan awal yang didalamnya terdapat beberapa fitur yang bermanfaat bagi pengguna. Pengguna dapat mengedit posisi, ukuran maupun jumlah features tiles di Start Screen

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

How to install Windows XP on Virtual Machine


Installing virtual machine inside PC should be followed by installing operating system on it. without operating system on it, virtual machine will be nothing. Installing OS only take few steps, make sure that OS master is in our hand. on this tutorial, the operating system used is Windows XP. the process of installing Operating System in Virtual Machine is not significantly different with installing OS in regular PC. the addition process is in the first configuration, because we have to configure the virtual machine first, like adding disk space, open master installation file of XP, yet the rest of the step is just like the common installation in PC.


Here are the aims of installing OS inside virtual machine:
1. To enable operating system inside virtual PC
2. To enable further facility of Virtual machine using OS


Here are the tutorial on how to install OS inside Virtual Machine